
Humanitarian Response

With more than 21 million people facing daily food scarcity, and 15 million lacking ordinary shelter security, the country is passing through exhaustive and incomparable humanitarian crises since a very long time now. With the recent political revolution (Taliban Takeover & Previous government collapse), the country’s creeping economic continued to faced abrupt fall- down and government & private sectors services stopped at once. The industrial, social, and agricultural sectors – referred to
as main source of the country’s creeping economy collapsed in seconds and hundreds of Afghans refuge or displaced internally. Human Rights violation continued aggressively and COVID-19 pandemic remains a geared threat to the Afghan societies. AGENDA Afghanistan boldly perceives the current situation and raises to offer emergency crises response services in the realm through its humanitarian assistance unit. The organization has placed a team of excellent professional and eagerly continue to serve the country & targeted people by different means of response under this unit.

Women Empowerment

Women lives an anguish life in the country since the start of domestic wars crossing 40 years by now. The male dominancy and trending patriarchal environs found from the restrict culture and dogmas have only hardboiled the condition. However, gender mainstreaming was demonstratively practiced in the previous governments, but there is a long rout to drive until the blur result we wish. Afghan women still face massive gender inequality, discrimination, harassment, and marginalization within Afghan societies and
setups. This foundation (Women Empowerment) is enlisted in top penalty areas of AGENDA Afghanistan to struggle and advocate for Women empowerment, Rights, equity, inclusion, Engagement and Mainstreaming in multi levels starting from local communities. The organization’s gender perspective focus & study is well prepared of promoting gender awareness, empowerment, and inclusion in Afghan societies. Preventing discrimination and standing against women right’s violation and empowering women through leadership, independency, and financially instituting them forms our inherent and core

Good Governance

Plentiful number of domestic confrontations, government’s rapid folding and political insurrections unsympathetically impacted the good governance in the country. The situation turned shadier with unreachability of experts, subject-related professionals and mindsets. Afghanistan constantly safeguards lowest places in world’s developmental and good government indexes. With all other unfortunates,
Corruption reached to its peak while rule of law degraded to lowest in recent years.AGENDA Afghanistan strongly aims to take part in building a strong government and Strengthen good governance through various involvements such as Rule of Law, Fighting Corruption, Bosting Transparency, Integrity & Accountability. Furthermore, actively monitor and observe local setups, and strengthen democracy and civilian rights in the country. The organization also aims to walk a good governance through organizing Peacebuilding and conflict management activities, Social cohesion and state building interventions under highly educated experts and subject-oriented pros.

Capacity Building

Afghan communities strongly lack basic conveniences and appliances to augment their capacity and stay up-to-date on social fundamentals. Continuous economic downfall, Poverty, and lack of investments for modernization and expansion of capacity enhancement, Advocacy and outreach systems/facilities are perceived as the core reasons in arrears of this imperfection. AGENDA Afghanistan believes on identical access for education for each individual at any point of the country. It also believes  that  a  comprehensive  mechanism  should  be  designed  and applied that assures equal reach to everyone. The Organization have gathered a group of highly educated, experienced and context-based professionals  to  provide  in-depth  capacity  building  services  through  workshops,  training,  coaching, vocational & literacy activities, and CBE classes for adults and adolescents of any age & sex. AGENDA Afghanistan has also established a team of experts who master in curriculum design and development. Meanwhile  we  have  equally  invested  in  our  advocacy  and  outreach  team  to  enhance  community awareness  through  Media  (TV  and  Radio  PSA),  Publication  and  content  development,  Social  Media, Indoor & outdoor Print distribution and any other volumes. The organization has as well established and specialized team of Advocacy and campaign who masters in organizing Campaigns, conferences, and arranging  marches  through  local  networks  including  CSOs,  Journalists,  Social  Activists,  CDC  &  DDA committees pertaining sufficient number of women.

Humanitarian Response

With more than 21 million people facing daily food scarcity, and 15 million lacking ordinary shelter security, the country is passing through exhaustive and incomparable humanitarian crises since a very long time now. With the recent political revolution (Taliban Takeover & Previous government collapse), the country’s creeping economic continued to faced abrupt fall- down and government & private sectors services stopped at once. The industrial, social, and agricultural sectors – referred to
as main source of the country’s creeping economy collapsed in seconds and hundreds of Afghans refuge or displaced internally. Human Rights violation continued aggressively and COVID-19 pandemic remains a geared threat to the Afghan societies. AGENDA Afghanistan boldly perceives the current situation and raises to offer emergency crises response services in the realm through its humanitarian assistance unit. The organization has placed a team of excellent professional and eagerly continue to serve the country & targeted people by different means of response under this unit.