Mission and Vision


AGENDA Afghanistan will work to reduce violence against women and girls by providing all necessary support services to survivors of such violence, advocating for the implementation of appropriate laws, policies, and government programs as well as working to increase women’s political participation through leadership, development, and capacity building.

Core Values

Gender Equity: our activities must benefit both men and women equally. It is our desire that those who are most marginalized, especially women, are given special focus and attention in the design and implementation of our activities.

Diversity: we believe in a diverse working environment and will put in place policies and actions that promote diversity

Accountability to stakeholders: we must be held accountable by our key stakeholders. We are open to evaluation of our work and will involve the principal stakeholder in all aspects, including scrutiny of our financial operations.

Innovation: is our driving force, the need to explore new opportunities that enable poor people to get involved in economic activities. We will explore new territories, which are not traditional enterprise activities and create viable enterprises that include poor people.

Partnership: we value partnerships. This enables us to understand others and provide us an opportunity to replicate our ideas through the right mechanisms which ensure sustainability.

Program Identification

AGENDA Afghanistan has identified 5 specific programs it focuses on:

  1. Support Services: Refers to the help provided to individual women who come to the association and report cases of abuse or a violation of their rights. The women will receive counselling, legal advice, and be helped to file cases with the police or through courts.
  2. Women’s Leadership Development: Is knowledge, skills, and capacity building program that aims women’s personal growth, this program will continue to focus on training women and the constitution, the laws of Afghanistan, as well as providing knowledge about human rights instruments
  3. Advocacy: Is the third program area that AGENDA Afghanistan will work on. This program is aimed to work with local government and advocate for laws, policies, and government programs which discriminate against women and girls.
  4. Women’s Social Inclusion: Refers to the awareness and general understanding on the rights of women for obtaining equal social inclusion chances into their societies and communities considering Islamic, cultural, and valued criteria.
  5. Community outreach: focuses on utilizing most accessible tools to reach close and far-reached communities about basic human, women, and gender-based rights at any sphere of the society. The
    community outreach will be implemented based on regional capacities and accessibility.

Our vision as AGENDA Afghanistan is to combat all forms of violence against woman and girls and ensuring Social Cohesion, Part-taking, Protection, Equality, Respect, and all Human Rights for Afghan women & girls All around the country including far-reached regions.

General Priniciples

Article 1: AGENDA Afghanistan is non- political- nongovernmental and non-profitable organization.
Article 2: The organization on all its activities and work affairs accept and respect the value of humanity and prohibit all kinds of discriminations such as linguistic, religious, economic, tribal and regional.
Article 3: As an implementing organization (AGENDA Afghanistan) will obey all the laws of government, donor agencies and coordinating organization and shall be organizing its activities according to these laws.
Article 4: Main office of the AGENDA Afghanistan is in Kabul and sub offices can be established in the provinces where AGENDA Afghanistan works.
Article 5: Director and deputy director of the organization advocate/participate on behalf of the organization in the gathering, conferences, meetings of governmental, donors and other nongovernmental organizations and present the activities, talk on behalf of the Organization for the advocacy of making wider the operational areas.
Article 6: AGENDA Afghanistan shall secure the operation of capacity building/rehabilitation activities in its operational areas, throughout the influence of mutual understanding and direct
cooperation with existing local residents and authorities.
Article 7: In case of dissolution, AGENDA Afghanistan `s board of directors will decide regarding all property and assets of this organization. Otherwise it will be transferred to an organization having similar objectives or to the government of Afghanistan.


Objective 1: To help Afghan Women to heal from abuse and to provide them with the necessary support
Objective 2: To facilitate Afghan women’s access to decision-making positions and to develop their leadership capacity.
Objective 3: To change the thinking and behavior of decision makers in order to prevent the violation of women’s rights, and to protect and promote the rights of women.
Objective 4: Enable Afghan women to obtain social inclusion right and be concrete part of Afghan communities maintaining cultural, and Islamic values.
Objective 5: Inform, Educate, and Enhance Afghan Community’s capacity on basic human, women, and gender-based rights.