AGENDA Afghanistan


To provide humanitarian services to the most marginalized groups of society in emergencies and conflict…

AGENDA Afghanistan


Objective 1: To help Afghan Women to heal from abuse and to provide them with the necessary support.
Objective 2: To facilitate Afghan women’s access to decision-making positions and to develop their leadership capacity.

AGENDA Afghanistan

Core Values

Gender equity, Diversity, Innovation, Partnership our activity must benefit both men and women is our desire that those who are more…

What we do

Focus Area

  • 01
    Humanitarian Response

    With more than 21 million people facing daily food scarcity, and 15 million lacking ordinary shelter security, the country is passing through exhaustive and incomparable humanitarian crises since a very long time now.

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  • 02
    Gender Empowerment

    Women lives an anguish life in the country since the start of domestic wars crossing 40 years by now. The male dominancy and trending patriarchal environs found from the restrict culture and dogmas have only hardboiled the condition.

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  • 03
    Capacity Building

    Afghan communities strongly lack basic conveniences and appliances to augment their capacity and stay up-to-date on social fundamentals. Continuous economic downfall, Poverty, and lack of investments

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  • 04
    Good Governance

    Organizing Workshops, Trainings, Conference Coaching & P2P Adult Learning Curriculum Development & Design Vocational & Literacy Training Outdoor & Indoor Print Media Social Media Public Service Announcement (PSA) Television & Radio Ads

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  • 05
    Survey Research

    There are hundreds of spaces in the country that remained unfolded and requires instantaneous probes, research and study. The country’s social, community, economic, health, and general communal foundations are in dreadful needs of investigation

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AGENDA Afghanistan

Vision and Mission

Our vision as AGENDA Afghanistan is to combat all forms of violence against woman and girls and ensuring Social Cohesion, Part-taking, Protection, Equality, Respect, and all Human Rights for Afghan women & girls All around the country including far-reached regions.

AGENDA Afghanistan will work to reduce violence against women and girls by providing all necessary support services to survivors of such violence, advocating for the implementation of appropriate laws, policies, and government programs as well as working to increase women’s political participation through leadership, development, and capacity building.

Who we are!

AGENDA Introduction

Afghanistan Gender Equality & National Development Act Organization (AGENDA-O) is a non-government, non-profit, impartial, and independent Women-owned organization headquartered in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Formed at 2019, registered with M0EC under license # 5213 with a business appellation “AGENDA Afghanistan” in 2019. The organization anticipates to provide an assortment of Gender Empowerment,    Equality and women inclusion in National Development acts, strategies & policies, and general fair of the government. Led by Afghan Women, AGENDA Afghanistan is initiated by a group of polished, educated, and talented Afghan youths inheriting from Afghan communities and societies.

AGENDA Afghanistan




All Time Clients



Completed Projects



Beneficiaries Reached


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Geographical Coverage

AGENDA Afghanistan

Recent Projects

Project 1: Enabling women to take active part in their community’s Development, Social, and Economic justice, and Reconciliation


Starting Date:                May 03 2022

Completion Date:          Sept 30 2022

Total Beneficiaries:        1000 Direct & 8000 Indirect 

Project Location:           Samangan ( Hazrat Sultan and Ayback Districts) 

Reference:                    Mr. Naqibullah Muslih 

Contact Email:     

Funded by:                    UNDP ABADIE

Project 2: Enabling women to take active part in their community’s Development, Social, and Economic justice, and Reconciliation


Starting Date:                May 03 2022

Completion Date:          Sept 30 2022

Total Beneficiaries:        1000 Direct & 8000 Indirect 

Project Location:            Balkh ( Mazari-sharif and Dehdadi Districts) 

Funded by:                    UNDP ABADIE

Reference:                     Mr. Naqibullah Muslih 

Contact Email:     

Funded by:                    UNDP ABADIE

Project 3: Empowering Communities to Adopt Peaceful Social Lives Through Social Inclusion, Connectedness & Acceptance”


Starting Date:                                       May 03 2022

Completion Date:                                  Aug 17 2022

Total Direct Beneficiaries:                     1200 individual (500 females, 70 male)
Number of Indirect Beneficiaries:         
8,000 individual (5000 Male + 3000 Female)
Total Number of Beneficiaries:             
9200 individuals

Project Location:                                   Badakhshan ( Faizabad and Jurm Districts) 

Reference:                                            Mr. Naqibullah Muslih 

Contact Email:                            

Funded by :                                          UNDP ALED-II

AGENDA Afghanistan

Current Projects

  • To be Quoted 

    CEO, CC
  • To be quoted 

    CEO, A
  • To be Quoted 

    CEO, Ap
  • To be quoted 

    CEO, AAA